
Quantum Plus Technologies

Contact us for customised solution development in all disciplines associated with Information Technology, Information Security, ML/ AI and RF Technologies.


Scorpion Anti-Drone Solutions

Drones have emerged as the next big threat in asymmetrical warfare. Low cost of deployment and low probability of interception make them a lucrative tool for subversive elements. This White Paper brings out the design philosophy behind Scorpion series products and the distinguishing factors that make Scorpion solutions unique and holistic.

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Nova Series Workstations

Forensic Analysis, Scientific Computing, Video Processing etc. tasks require specialized workstations that can go beyond the normal processing provided by COTS servers and optimize according to the specific workload. Hardware level optimization is necessary to get that last ounce of power from your system and give you the best bang for your buck.

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Intelo – Data Stream Aggregator and Renderer

The IT industry realized the need for standardization in 1990s and moved every data interface to USB standard, however, not so for the industrial control systems. Porting industrial connector’s data and control to a remote location over Internet Protocol is achieved using the two Intelo series customized hardware – Aggregator and Renderer.

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Intelo-V CCTV Feed Aggregator

Intelo-V is a specialized use case of Intelo hardware aimed at optimizing the architecture of CCTV Networks. Intelo-V box mounted outdoors on a traffic pole can aggregate up to 24 CCTV camera feeds. This modified architecture not only provides real time edge computing capabilities at the cameras, but also reduces networking costs drastically.

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Controlled Boot Isolator

Most critical networks use air gaps as a deterrent against infiltration, however, sometimes covering the air gap becomes operationally necessary. Controlled Boot Isolator provides hardware level trust extension functions in just these circumstances.

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TIQ – NAVIC Synchronized Clock Server

NAVIC is the Indian GNSS system covering Indian Ocean Region through Gagan satellite constellation. TIQ is India’s first Network Time Protocol Server that synchronizes using NAVIC and redundantly uses GPS, to provide a global coverage.

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DBaux Unified Threat Management devices

Dbaux is an Indian company with its roots in the Silicon Valley. We are proud to partner with Dbaux on their Unified Threat Management Platforms. Dbaux UTMs are already deployed in military environments and are most suited for mission critical infrastructure defense.

Dbaux Secumobile

The mobile phone has become an extension of our hands and a window to our soul. This dependence on an uncontrolled technology comes at a cost. A human becomes a commodity and a demographic becomes a statistic.

Secumobile provides a uniquely designed solution to answer the privacy and security woes of your organisation.